Creating Resources
Here you will find a range of different resources that you can create to speed up your workflow and vary the activities that you use. One of the best parts of Ai is that a single system can do so many things!
The majority of these resources are created using ChatGPT. I have given examples using 3.5 which is the free version as well as 4 which at the time of writing costs £20 per month. It has saved me so much time that I am happy to pay! I don't personally use Bing Chat or Bard so much but they do have their own specific use cases. There are also other systems which I am planning on reviewing at a later stage
A benefit of signing up for the pro version of ChatGPT is that they now have plugins available which you can see on the ChatGPT plugins page.
If you aren't sure what a prompt is or how it works, visit the prompts page to learn more.
Lesson Plans
Prompt Template: Create a lesson plan on <<TOPIC>> for <<AUDIENCE>> that lasts <<TIME>> and <<CRITERIA>>
Prompt Example: Create a lesson plan on the CIA triad for Level 2 GCSE students that lasts 1 hour and assumes no knowledge
Tips: The more detail you put into the original request the more specific it will be. I have had success copying and pasting from a BTEC specification or from a passage from a book as well as when I keep it more general.
System: ChatGPT 3.5, 4, Bing Chat (Limited outline), Bard
Lesson Plan: Introduction to the CIA Triad
Level: GCSE Level 2
Duration: 1 hour
Understand the concept of the CIA Triad.
Identify and define the three components of the CIA Triad.
Recognize the importance of the CIA Triad in information security.
Whiteboard or blackboard
Markers or chalk
Handouts (optional)
Computer and projector (optional)
Introduction (5 minutes)
a. Greet the students and introduce the topic of information security.
b. Explain that the CIA Triad is a fundamental concept in information security.
c. Ask the students if they have any prior knowledge or assumptions about information security.
What is the CIA Triad? (10 minutes)
a. Write the term "CIA Triad" on the board.
b. Explain that the CIA Triad stands for Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability.
c. Ask the students what they think each term means in the context of information security.
d. Briefly discuss their responses and provide the correct definitions:
Confidentiality: Ensuring that information is only accessible to authorized individuals and is kept private.
Integrity: Maintaining the accuracy, consistency, and trustworthiness of information.
Availability: Ensuring that information and resources are accessible and usable when needed.
Confidentiality (15 minutes)
a. Focus on the first component, confidentiality.
b. Discuss various scenarios where confidentiality is important, such as personal information, financial data, or classified government information.
c. Explain different methods used to protect confidentiality, such as encryption, access controls, and secure communication channels.
d. Provide real-world examples to help illustrate the importance of confidentiality and the potential consequences of a breach.
Integrity (15 minutes)
a. Move on to the second component, integrity.
b. Explain the concept of data integrity and its importance in maintaining the accuracy and trustworthiness of information.
c. Discuss examples where data integrity is critical, such as financial records, medical data, or scientific research.
d. Highlight methods used to ensure data integrity, such as checksums, digital signatures, and backups.
e. Use practical examples to demonstrate how data integrity can be compromised and the potential impact of such breaches.
Availability (15 minutes)
a. Proceed to the final component, availability.
b. Discuss the significance of availability in ensuring that information and resources are accessible when needed.
c. Explain different factors that can impact availability, such as hardware failures, natural disasters, or cyber-attacks.
d. Introduce concepts like redundancy, fault tolerance, and disaster recovery as measures to maintain availability.
e. Use relatable examples to help students understand the importance of availability and the consequences of service disruptions.
Recap and Conclusion (10 minutes)
a. Summarize the main points covered in the lesson, emphasizing the three components of the CIA Triad.
b. Encourage students to reflect on how the CIA Triad can be applied in their own lives and the broader context of information security.
c. Answer any remaining questions or concerns from the students.
d. Provide additional resources or references for further exploration, if desired.
Optional Extension Activities:
Divide students into groups and assign each group a case study related to one of the CIA Triad components. Have them analyze the case study, identify potential risks or vulnerabilities, and propose security measures.
Invite a guest speaker from the field of information security to share their experiences and insights with the students.
Assign a short research project where students investigate recent high-profile data breaches and their impact on confidentiality, integrity
Generate presentations with Word and PowerPoint
Prompt Template:
Create a presentation for this topic: <<TOPIC>> That must include these details: <<MORE DETAILS>> For this age group: <<AGE/GRADE/LEVEL>> The presentation should be <<NUMBER OF SLIDES>> slides long. Slides should contain a title and concise bullet points only
Prompt Example: Create a presentation for this topic: Cyber Security That must include these details: explanation of the CIA Triad with examples For this age group: Level 2 GCSE. The presentation should be 10 slides long Slides should contain a title and concise bullet points only
Prompt Template: Create the speaker notes for the presentation making sure to explain each term
Linked Example:
The more detail you put into the original request the more specific it will be. I have had success copying and pasting from a BTEC specification or from a passage from a book as well as when I keep it more general.
Write continue if you need more text to be generated.
In the details you can provide a hyperlink if you are using a ChatGPT4 Plugin that reads PDFs.
If specific speaker notes or slides need amending ask ChatGPT to amend just the thing you don't like
System: ChatGPT. Bard, Word in the browser, PowerPoint
Now open up Word in an ONLINE document and paste in the result.
Select Export/Export to PowerPoint Presentation
Choose a theme and click export
Open the presentation
See here for more information on this step
PowerPoint: Paste the speaker notes into each section and amend as required
Audio to Text
Ever wished you could convert audio to text quickly and easily? Well there are lots of methods out there but I love this one by Thomas Frank. It does require you to have free accounts with Google Drive, OpenAI, Notion and Pipedream and it does take a bit of time to set up and test but it works SOOOOO well! It uses a transcription model by OpenAI called Whisper to transcribe the text, it then reformats the transcription and places it into Notion based on a prompt you give it.
Video Link:
Tips: Select the gpt-3.5-turbo-16k model to give yourself 16 thousand tokens worth of text - this is 4 times more than the basic model
System: OpenAI, Pipedream, Google Drive, Notion
Marking Rubrics for Print or Teams Assessments
Prompt Template: Create a marking rubric in a table with the following headings Criteria, Met, Developing, Not Evident. Be specific
Use these criteria as rows
Prompt Example:
Create a marking rubric in a table with the following headings Criteria, Met, Developing, Not Evident. Be specific
Use these criteria as rows
18/A.P1 Explain the purpose of and legal requirements for different digital animations and effects products.
18/A.P2 Explain the technical characteristics of different digital animations and effects products, including a limited explanation of how they impact on the finished product.
18/A.M1 Discuss the purpose and characteristics of different digital animations and effects products, including how they impact on the finished product.
A.D1 Evaluate the purpose and characteristics of different digital animation and effects products, including how they impact on the finished product.
Tips: The more detail you put into the original request the more specific it will be. I have had success copying and pasting from a BTEC specification or from a passage from a book as well as when I keep it more general.
System: ChatGPT 4
Lesson Objectives
Prompt Template: Give me three learning objectives following Bloom's taxonomy for <<TOPIC>> <<CRITERIA>>
Prompt Example: Give me three learning objectives following Bloom's taxonomy for A1 Purpose of digital animations and effects Lecture on the purpose and use cases of digital animations and effects, with examples. Students note key points, participate in discussion, and provide their own examples.
Learning objectives following Bloom's taxonomy for the purpose of digital animations and effects lecture could be:
Define the purpose of digital animations and effects in the context of multimedia production.
Identify various use cases of digital animations and effects in different industries.
Recall examples of digital animations and effects commonly used in movies, video games, advertisements, or online platforms.
Explain the significance of digital animations and effects in enhancing storytelling, communication, and visual appeal.
Describe the technical elements involved in creating digital animations and effects, such as rendering, modelling, and compositing.
Summarize the potential impact of digital animations and effects on audience engagement and emotional response.
Analyse a given scenario or case study and determine the most suitable types of digital animations and effects to achieve specific objectives.
Create a storyboard or concept art that incorporates digital animations and effects to visually enhance a multimedia project or presentation.
Develop a plan for implementing digital animations and effects in a real-world context, considering factors like budget, timeline, and target audience.
These learning objectives align with Bloom's taxonomy by progressing from acquiring foundational knowledge to comprehending and applying that knowledge in practical and creative ways.
Tips: The more detail you put into the original request the more specific it will be. I have had success copying and pasting from a BTEC specification or from a passage from a book as well as when I keep it more general.
System: ChatGPT 4
Multiple Choice Questions
Prompt Example: Create 10 multiple choice questions on these topics for level 3 A Level students on internet of things where the correct answer is always A
B4 M2M system and device communication requirements <<ADD MORE DETAIL>>
Tips: You can ask for the questions to be ordered by difficulty or as a difficulty mountain
System: ChatGPT4
Crossword Puzzles
Prompt Template: Create crossword clues from these items <<TEXT>>
Prompt Example: Create crossword clues from these items (copied and pasted from specification) with this format
word clue
Tips: There is a ChatGPT 4 plugin called PuzzleConstructor but it is rubbish!
System: ChatGPT 4 , Puzzlemaker
Lesson Handouts
Prompt Template: Create a handout for <<TOPIC>> with <<CRITERIA>> for <<AUDIENCE>>
Prompt Example: Create a handout for the CIA triad of 1 A4 page with a definition, bullet list of examples of things that should be protected, give a list of attacks for each
Try not to overwhelm everyone with massive blocks of text.
Be specific with the structure and content requirements
System: ChatGPT 3.5, 4, Bing Chat, Bard
Step-by-Step Instructions
Prompt Template: Give me step by step instructions to <<OBJECTIVE>> for <<AUDIENCE>>
Prompt Example:
Tips: Try things that you wouldn't normally see as list of instructions but that demonstrate knowledge.
System: ChatGPT 3.5, 4, Bing Chat, Bard
SPAG Activities
Prompt Template: Create a <<MINUTES>> minute <<ACTIVITY TYPE>> activity using <<RESOURCE>> for age group <<AGE/GRADE/LEVEL>> with <<CRITERIA>>
Prompt Example: Create a 15 minute punctuation activity using 10 sentences for age group KS2 Year 5 with compound and complex sentences that include homophones and removes all punctuation and capitalisation.
Result: An activity with an aim, materials needed, instructions, worksheet, questions and answers.
The more detail you put into the original request the more specific it will be.
Double check the answers are correct before issuing to students.
System: ChatGPT 4 (Best) ChatGPT 3.5
Lesson Inspiration
Prompt Template: I need some lesson inspiration for <<STUDENTS>> in <<CLASS>> with <<CRITERIA>>
Prompt Example: My 15 year olds need a fun science lesson. What can we do with full access to the class technician and 1.5 hours. They should perform the activities themselves
System: ChatGPT 3.5, 4, Bing Chat, Bard
Scheme of Work
Prompt Example:
Create a 6 week outline scheme of work based on the following specification items. There are 2, 1.5 hour lessons per week (12 lessons in total). The students are studying Level 3 BTEC in the UK.
Make a table with these headings: Lesson Number, Objective, Content, Teacher Activity, Student Activity.
We have access to the Adobe suite for practical demonstrations
Learning aim A: Investigate the purpose and characteristics of digital animations and effects that are an important part of communication
A1 Purpose of and legal requirements for digital animations and effects
Know that digital animation is concerned with the illusion of motion through the sequencing of images, and effects is concerned with adding digital special effects, for example audio, to an animation or other media product post-production.
• Understand that the purpose of digital animations and effects is to:
o convey information, messages, entertainment and meaning to an audience, including a target market, customer, and/or user
etc... --List of content--
Keep the original request simple
If you need more detail ask for it when the basic outline is done
System: ChatGPT 4
Visual Aids - Coming Soon!!!
Prompt Template:
Prompt Example:
Tips: The more detail you put into the original request the more specific it will be. I have had success copying and pasting from a BTEC specification or from a passage from a book as well as when I keep it more general.
Prompt Template:
Prompt Example:
Tips: The more detail you put into the original request the more specific it will be. I have had success copying and pasting from a BTEC specification or from a passage from a book as well as when I keep it more general.
Glossaries and Definitions
Prompt Example: I am running a new digital graphics course. Create a glossary for these terms <<LIST OF TERMS>>
System: ChatGPT3.5 , 4 (Best)
Differentiated Instruction
Prompt Template:
Prompt Example:
Tips: The more detail you put into the original request the more specific it will be. I have had success copying and pasting from a BTEC specification or from a passage from a book as well as when I keep it more general.
Group Activities
Prompt Template:
Prompt Example:
Tips: The more detail you put into the original request the more specific it will be. I have had success copying and pasting from a BTEC specification or from a passage from a book as well as when I keep it more general.
Tables of Data
Prompt Template:
Prompt Example:
Tips: The more detail you put into the original request the more specific it will be. I have had success copying and pasting from a BTEC specification or from a passage from a book as well as when I keep it more general.
PDF Based Activities
Prompt Example:
Using this PDF suggest some activities for Level 3 BTEC IT students
There are other things you can ask it such as summarise, create action points, list positives/negatives, create poem, infer etc.
System: ChatGPT 4 with ChatWithPDF plugin enabled
In the realm where data and language intertwine,
ChatGPT, a marvel, in the digital sunshine.
A study of sentiment, a public survey,
In the world of Twitter, what do people say?
Artificial Intelligence, a topic of delight,
In search engines and education, it ignites a light.
In writing and coding, it lends a hand,
Yet, in job replacement, fears expand.
Neutral to positive, the sentiments mostly lie,
In the hearts of many, an AI ally.
Yet, in the shadow of progress, some concerns persist,
In the face of change, resistance does exist.
From healthcare to music, its reach is vast,
In the realm of language, a diverse cast.
Yet, in the world of work, a looming threat,
A future uncertain, in the internet's net.
A tool, a friend, or a foe to dread?
In the tweets of millions, sentiments are read.
The future of ChatGPT, in our hands it lies,
In the digital dawn, under the cyber skies.
So here's to the future, may it be bright,
In the world of AI, let's hold on tight.
For in every tweet, in every word,
The voice of humanity is heard.
Student Reviews
Prompt Template:
Prompt Example:
Tips: The more detail you put into the original request the more specific it will be. I have had success copying and pasting from a BTEC specification or from a passage from a book as well as when I keep it more general.
Marking Electronic Text
Prompt Template:
Prompt Example:
Tips: The more detail you put into the original request the more specific it will be. I have had success copying and pasting from a BTEC specification or from a passage from a book as well as when I keep it more general.
Marking Handwritten Text - Coming Soon!!!
Prompt Template:
Prompt Example:
Tips: The more detail you put into the original request the more specific it will be. I have had success copying and pasting from a BTEC specification or from a passage from a book as well as when I keep it more general.
Prompt Template:
Prompt Example:
Tips: The more detail you put into the original request the more specific it will be. I have had success copying and pasting from a BTEC specification or from a passage from a book as well as when I keep it more general.
Writing Models
Prompt Examples:
Create a writing model for an analysis of an IT system
Create a writing model using a story mountain and the short film Alma about a girl who is changed into a doll
Create a writing model for a basic letter for a Functional Skills Level 1 student using British convention
Create a writing model for a haiku
Tips: The more detail you put into the original request the more specific it will be. I have had success copying and pasting from a BTEC specification or from a passage from a book as well as when I keep it more general.
System: ChatGPT 3.5, 4 (Best),
Title: A Fateful Encounter: An Analysis of the Short Film "Alma"
1. Introduction (Exposition)
Brief overview of the short film "Alma".
Introduction of the main character, Alma, a curious little girl.
Setting: A quiet, snowy town with a mysterious toy shop.
2. Rising Action
Alma spots a doll that looks exactly like her in the toy shop window.
Driven by curiosity and fascination, she enters the shop to get a closer look at the doll.
Alma tries to reach the doll, but the environment within the shop starts to change, becoming more eerie and unsettling.
3. Climax
Alma finally reaches the doll and touches it.
Suddenly, she finds herself trapped in the doll, becoming a part of the shop's collection.
4. Falling Action
The shock and realization of her new reality.
The camera pans out to reveal numerous dolls in the shop, suggesting that Alma is not the first victim.
5. Resolution (Denouement)
The cycle continues as another child is lured by a doll that looks just like them, hinting at the ongoing nature of this enchantment.
The eerie silence of the shop is maintained, emphasizing the grim fate of Alma and the others.
6. Conclusion
Reflection on the themes of curiosity, innocence, and the supernatural as portrayed in the film.
Final thoughts on the film's impact and the unsettling ending.
Remember, this is a general model and can be adapted based on the specific requirements of your analysis. The story mountain structure is a great way to organize your thoughts and ensure you cover all the key points in the narrative.
Samples and Examples
Prompt Template:
Prompt Example:
Tips: The more detail you put into the original request the more specific it will be. I have had success copying and pasting from a BTEC specification or from a passage from a book as well as when I keep it more general.
Study Guides
Prompt Template:
Prompt Example:
Tips: The more detail you put into the original request the more specific it will be. I have had success copying and pasting from a BTEC specification or from a passage from a book as well as when I keep it more general.
Prompt Template:
Prompt Example:
Tips: The more detail you put into the original request the more specific it will be. I have had success copying and pasting from a BTEC specification or from a passage from a book as well as when I keep it more general.
Venn Diagrams
Prompt Template:
Prompt Example:
Tips: The more detail you put into the original request the more specific it will be. I have had success copying and pasting from a BTEC specification or from a passage from a book as well as when I keep it more general.
Writing Prompts
Prompt Template:
Prompt Example:
Tips: The more detail you put into the original request the more specific it will be. I have had success copying and pasting from a BTEC specification or from a passage from a book as well as when I keep it more general.
Code Examples
Prompt Template:
Prompt Example:
Tips: The more detail you put into the original request the more specific it will be. I have had success copying and pasting from a BTEC specification or from a passage from a book as well as when I keep it more general.
Homework Tasks
Prompt Template:
Prompt Example:
Tips: The more detail you put into the original request the more specific it will be. I have had success copying and pasting from a BTEC specification or from a passage from a book as well as when I keep it more general.
Guided Reading
Prompt Template: Using this link create a guided reading activity for <<AGE/STAGE/YEAR>> students. Give 3 different levels of differentiation. <<LINK>> Focus on vocabulary, reading comprehension, inference, sequencing and distinguishing between fact and opinion.
Prompt Example: Using this link create a guided reading activity for KS2 Year 6 students. Give 3 different levels of differentiation.
Focus on vocabulary, reading comprehension, inference, sequencing and distinguishing between fact and opinion.
Tips: Sometimes you will need to ask for clarification.
System: ChatGPT 4 with web browsing or ChatGPT 4 with a PDF plugin